
A Guide To College Partying During Covid

As we all know college students are known for their cooperation. Unfortunately, as college classes have picked back up for the fall semester, Covid is still one of the top 5 most commonly spread viruses amongst the 18-23 year old demographic on college campuses across the nation. Fortunately, I have put together a quick guide to College Partying During Coronavirus and how you can make the best of this situation.

First up on the list for what to do! Don’t party during Covid. I know it seems really strict and hard to follow because most college students don’t have personalities when they’re not at a party. But this is a great opportunity to go out and get one! This is the time to expand your vocabulary beyond the words “bet” and “facts”. Stop calling the dirt on your Converse “character” when it’s made up of dirt and vomit from nights you spent recording everything on Snapchat. Partying during a pandemic is not a priority (wow, killed that alliteration). Now, while it may not kill you, it’s still a rather uncomfortable virus to contract.

Most college parties don’t end well anyway. It’s fun for like 10 minutes and then Gabe comes in with like 8 of his boys, who are all wearing throwback NBA jerseys from a time period when they weren’t even alive yet. All you’re going to do at a party is hang out with your group of friends and talk about how cute the other person across the room is and then not do anything about it. Or there’s always an issue with whoever is on aux playing “Mo Bamba” for the 6th time. There’s just so much more out there.

good vibes

Plus, there’s too many of the same person in college and a ton of opportunities for you to grow. I don’t mean to sound corny or enlightening, but it’s true. College parties aren’t all that great for your mental health anyway. Have you ever been rejected in a crowded 2×2 bedroom? That’s the most awkward thing ever, the person who rejected you is in the kitchen and you’re in the living room watching Bryce make a Tik Tok? Just hype him up! That way it looks like that rejection isn’t even on your mind but in reality, you’re wondering, maybe if you had a better nose life would be different…just maybe.

I get it, being in college is the first time in your life where you’re actually free. Completely free from your parents, you have no curfew and you can do whatever you want. But that’s why it’s important to be smart about what’s going on. If this gets worse, guess where you’re going to end back up. Basically, what I’m trying to say is, it’s better to have FOMO than Covid. So, just chill out. Watch some Netflix, do some sit ups so you don’t get the Quarantine 15 and this thing will be over in no time (nervous laugh).

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