
Vampire Trying to Cut Down On Her Screen Time

Natalia Eievas Von Dering, a 930 year-old vampire and loyal Hot Topic customer, is starting to realize the rush of hearing her victim’s screams is fleeting and maybe even harmful for her mental health. After watching a documentary whose popularity spread faster than early vampiric plagues, Natalia has decided to cut down on her scream time.

“I watched the documentary the Vocal Dilemma and I was convinced I need to give myself more scream time limits,” she told one of her wailing victims moments before feeding, “Sometimes, I’ll come to the end of my night and realize I spent 5 hours listening to my victim’s cries – that’s more than half the work night!”

This revelation comes at an age when scream time is more widespread than ever. “I go out and feed, people scream. I go to a party, people scream. Even virtual learning has certainly increased the scream time since many cry out when I log on the classroom.” 

The increase in scream time has led to shorter attention spans and vampires having to pick louder and louder victims. “We are draining them of their blood, but they are draining us of our attention spans,” says Dr. Nosferatu from the Transylvania Center for Mindful Blood Sucking, “We are becoming prey to our prey and these young, thousand year-old kids don’t realize what it’s doing to them.”

Natalia is trying to change that. “From this day forward, I will spend less scream time, I will be more present, and I will use my time wisely.”

However, this lasted all of one day once Natalia stumbled upon a troupe of opera singers that could scream for days. She promised herself it would just be “five more victims,” but soon that turned into 10, then 20, and before she knew it, her scream time was worse than ever. 

“It’s not easy,” she said, “and I’m also not sure it’s worth it. Screams are my life.”

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Dude Breaks Mirror, Gets 7 More Years of 2020

In what would be the year 2023, Franz is starting to feel like he might be responsible for what can only be described as “the third 2020 in a row.”

“I’ve never been superstitious,” he said, “but after 3 pandemics in a row, I’m starting to think it’s because I broke that mirror in 2019.”

Franz started to notice some things were off when he saw several events of 2020 repeating themselves in consecutive years. “When President Trump killed that Iranian general Qasem Soleimani the first time I was like, ‘Woah, I can’t pronounce that name.’ The second time I was like, ‘Dang, that sounds familiar,’ but by the third time I was 60% convinced it had already happened.”

After Soleimani’s death, other events started repeating. “Every summer, people started talking about murder hornets and everyone was in lockdown making sourdough bread, and then Facebook radicalized everybody’s uncles…Correct me if I’m wrong, but Presidential elections aren’t supposed to happen every year, right?”

The only thing sadder than repeating the same year over and over again is Franz’s inability to go more than a few weeks without breaking at least one mirror. “I’ve broken 27 mirrors over  the past 3 cycles of 2020…at this rate I’ll be here for eternity,” he said, “but at least I’ve got Tiger King to look forward to again.”

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