
How To Make The Most of Your Quarantine

So you’ve just been sitting at home all day scrolling through the For You Page, retweeting trending memes and getting rejected by jobs on Indeed. Many of you might be thinking, “What’s next for me?”. This pandemic has really put a halt on a lot of America’s prideful culture. But don’t worry, that’s why I’ve written this article about how you can make the most of your quarantine. 

Get A Dog! Or A Cat! Or A Parrot, Hamster, Fish!

Having a pet is a great way to have a companion who you can fart around and not feel judged. You just don’t get that with people nowadays. Having a pet will make you forget about the pandemic because you will have a best friend to spend your days with. Going outside just to be around people and risk getting Covid is so last April! The risk is not worth it. People are not that great. Pets are way better.

Learn A New Language

The FBI is more likely to hire someone who is bilingual over someone who only speaks English; that’s what they told me when I interviewed them for this article. They have that kind of time, and I have that kind of connection. But back to the point, learning another language gives you the right to brag about yourself in conversation. We all know someone who is bilingual because they’ve said, “Hey I’m bilingual!” when you asked them how their weekend was. So go on and download Duolingo premium, change your Netflix subtitles to Spanish, and get ready to be better than everyone else. 

Throw An Apron On

How great of a cook are you? If your Tinder bio claims you’re a “really good cook” then go experiment and make a new meal that you’ve never made before, hot shot. Make a dish that you can’t pronounce, then I’ll be impressed. If your dish doesn’t have at least two apostrophes in the title then don’t brag about it on your Instagram, okay? 

If you’re not that great a cook, learn to be one. It’s a lot of fun making something in the kitchen. You’ll feel proud of yourself. Maybe even tell your parents. they might feel a sense of pride as well; maybe it’s been a while since they’ve been proud of you. You both deserve a win.

Quarantine can be a positive thing if you let it. All this extra time can be pretty useful. Go make yourself a better person. Memorize all your friend’s birthdays so that you don’t have to wait until they post on Instagram to comment “HBD”. Let’s use this opportunity to do things that we always said we don’t have time for or things we were too lazy to do.

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