
How To Celebrate Boo Szn for Couples and Singles + Costume Ideas!

Well it’s officially ‘Boo Szn’ now that Fall has begun. That means you can expect to see a whole lot of the color orange everywhere. We are mid-way through October so that means some people are going to pick an orange pumpkin and some are going to pick an orange president. Everyone is concentrating on different things. As this upcoming Boo Szn is in full throttle, some people are single, some people are in a relationship and some people are happy. But it doesn’t matter what your relationship status is, you can still enjoy this cringey time.


Let’s start off with single people first. It can be a little difficult being single during this time because it’s usually around this time of year when you find out that yet another friend from high school announces that they’re getting engaged, having a baby or both. Don’t be fooled. Correlation DOES imply causation. But you got to remember your life is still pretty good even without a soulmate. Being the ugly duckling of the group during this time has a lot of advantages. You don’t have to feel the pressure of finding a couples Halloween costume. You can be whatever you want, and you don’t have to worry about what your partner likes. In fact, not many people are celebrating Halloween this year anyway, so that leaves more options for you to look at when you’re doing your last-minute costume shopping at Spirit Halloween. It can be hard to think of a costume idea but because I like you so much, I’m going to help you out with some ideas:

  • Dress up as a second stimulus check and then don’t show up at anyone’s house.
  • Let a toddler draw on your face and be a mumble rapper.
  • Be a canceled comedian! So many different choices there! Or better yet, throw a canceled comedian costume party.
  • Be a zoom interviewee. Comb your hair really nice, wear a blazer, tie and tie clip. Forget the pants, put on your most comfortable underwear and a pair of socks that don’t match with a hole in one of them. 

If you are feeling bad about not having someone to hold, just remember that being single gives you more free time to work on yourself and I can just tell, you definitely need to work on yourself more. This is a great chance to go to the gym and get some abs in the works. Unless you’re one of those couples that works out together and posts their “dumbbell duo” videos on Instagram, most people in relationships lose their relationship with the gym. It’s just the truth. Yes, you’re single during Boo Szn but you’re going to be fine, trust me. Being single is definitely the way to go!


Now look if you’re all cuffed up and in love, that’s great too. Get under a warm blanket with your cutie patootie, light that cinnamon pumpkin muffin candle and put on Hocus Pocus. Halloween is going to be fun because you’re not stuck in your house dressing up as a second stimulus check to post as a joke on Twitter. If you don’t do anything for Halloween, you can still get together with your partner and dress up. But do something different. Everyone has done Joker and Harlee Quinn, you can’t do that, please don’t do that. It can be hard to think of a costume idea but because I like you so much, I’m going to help you out with some ideas:

  • The classic doctor-patient duo would be a great idea this year considering the circumstances. 
  • Donald Trump and Joe Biden. You only need one mask and one hair piece for this fun duo!
  • Dress as your favorite Tik Tok dancers! Have a dance party and write “FYP” on the front door.
  • Be workout partners, walk around with weights and call yourselves “The Dumbbell Duo”. That’s really cute.

This is the most romantic time of the year; this time extends all the way to February 14th so cozy up! Get engaged or have a baby! Who cares where your career is at right now, it’s Boo Szn your parents will understand. Make the most of it. Being in a relationship is definitely the way to go!

Whichever romantic or non-romantic situation your hormones put you in for this coming Boo Szn, you know how you can make the most of it. I hope this article helped you get your life together. Feel free to spread the word to your friends who may also be having the same concerns as you.  Now, I’m going to leaf you off with a corny joke and I’ll be on my way. Whether you’re looking for a scare or soulmate, I hope you find your boo.

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A Guide To College Partying During Covid

As we all know college students are known for their cooperation. Unfortunately, as college classes have picked back up for the fall semester, Covid is still one of the top 5 most commonly spread viruses amongst the 18-23 year old demographic on college campuses across the nation. Fortunately, I have put together a quick guide to College Partying During Coronavirus and how you can make the best of this situation.

First up on the list for what to do! Don’t party during Covid. I know it seems really strict and hard to follow because most college students don’t have personalities when they’re not at a party. But this is a great opportunity to go out and get one! This is the time to expand your vocabulary beyond the words “bet” and “facts”. Stop calling the dirt on your Converse “character” when it’s made up of dirt and vomit from nights you spent recording everything on Snapchat. Partying during a pandemic is not a priority (wow, killed that alliteration). Now, while it may not kill you, it’s still a rather uncomfortable virus to contract.

Most college parties don’t end well anyway. It’s fun for like 10 minutes and then Gabe comes in with like 8 of his boys, who are all wearing throwback NBA jerseys from a time period when they weren’t even alive yet. All you’re going to do at a party is hang out with your group of friends and talk about how cute the other person across the room is and then not do anything about it. Or there’s always an issue with whoever is on aux playing “Mo Bamba” for the 6th time. There’s just so much more out there.

good vibes

Plus, there’s too many of the same person in college and a ton of opportunities for you to grow. I don’t mean to sound corny or enlightening, but it’s true. College parties aren’t all that great for your mental health anyway. Have you ever been rejected in a crowded 2×2 bedroom? That’s the most awkward thing ever, the person who rejected you is in the kitchen and you’re in the living room watching Bryce make a Tik Tok? Just hype him up! That way it looks like that rejection isn’t even on your mind but in reality, you’re wondering, maybe if you had a better nose life would be different…just maybe.

I get it, being in college is the first time in your life where you’re actually free. Completely free from your parents, you have no curfew and you can do whatever you want. But that’s why it’s important to be smart about what’s going on. If this gets worse, guess where you’re going to end back up. Basically, what I’m trying to say is, it’s better to have FOMO than Covid. So, just chill out. Watch some Netflix, do some sit ups so you don’t get the Quarantine 15 and this thing will be over in no time (nervous laugh).

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How To Make The Most of Your Quarantine

So you’ve just been sitting at home all day scrolling through the For You Page, retweeting trending memes and getting rejected by jobs on Indeed. Many of you might be thinking, “What’s next for me?”. This pandemic has really put a halt on a lot of America’s prideful culture. But don’t worry, that’s why I’ve written this article about how you can make the most of your quarantine. 

Get A Dog! Or A Cat! Or A Parrot, Hamster, Fish!

Having a pet is a great way to have a companion who you can fart around and not feel judged. You just don’t get that with people nowadays. Having a pet will make you forget about the pandemic because you will have a best friend to spend your days with. Going outside just to be around people and risk getting Covid is so last April! The risk is not worth it. People are not that great. Pets are way better.

Learn A New Language

The FBI is more likely to hire someone who is bilingual over someone who only speaks English; that’s what they told me when I interviewed them for this article. They have that kind of time, and I have that kind of connection. But back to the point, learning another language gives you the right to brag about yourself in conversation. We all know someone who is bilingual because they’ve said, “Hey I’m bilingual!” when you asked them how their weekend was. So go on and download Duolingo premium, change your Netflix subtitles to Spanish, and get ready to be better than everyone else. 

Throw An Apron On

How great of a cook are you? If your Tinder bio claims you’re a “really good cook” then go experiment and make a new meal that you’ve never made before, hot shot. Make a dish that you can’t pronounce, then I’ll be impressed. If your dish doesn’t have at least two apostrophes in the title then don’t brag about it on your Instagram, okay? 

If you’re not that great a cook, learn to be one. It’s a lot of fun making something in the kitchen. You’ll feel proud of yourself. Maybe even tell your parents. they might feel a sense of pride as well; maybe it’s been a while since they’ve been proud of you. You both deserve a win.

Quarantine can be a positive thing if you let it. All this extra time can be pretty useful. Go make yourself a better person. Memorize all your friend’s birthdays so that you don’t have to wait until they post on Instagram to comment “HBD”. Let’s use this opportunity to do things that we always said we don’t have time for or things we were too lazy to do.

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