
Here’s What Cliques Your Favorite Star Wars Characters Would be in if They Went to High School

Everyone remembers their cliques in high school. You had the jocks, the nerds, and of course the goths. We can all think of at least one person from high school that fit into one of these categories, and some of those people might still embody their specific category to this day. But I have a question that I think we’ve all asked ourselves at least once, and that is what high school cliques would my favorite Star Wars character be in? What’s that? I’m the only one who has had this question? Well, at any rate, I’m going to answer this burning question anyway, and you can thank me later. Here’s what high school cliques your favorite characters from a galaxy far, far away would fall into.

Jocks: Han Solo and Mace Windu


When we think of the jock archetype, there are a number of different versions that come to mind. The most stereotypical jock is a burly meathead that spends more time playing football with his bros than he does participating in really any of his academic classes. They’re more interested in riding that athletics scholarship through college and into a professional sports career, where they’ll get paid more money than someone of their mental acuity should be trusted with. In some cases however, there is the jock with a heart of gold. Although they may seem rough and tough on the outside, deep down they’re really one of the mushiest guys in school. This mushy jock role is one that fits Han Solo perfectly. Yeah, Han is a bit rougher around the edges than most Star Wars characters, and I’m sure he’d love to shove Luke Skywalker’s head into a toilet, but when it comes down to it he cares about the people around him. His arrogant and selfish demeanor is just a front for a guy that is looking out for his team, and he’ll go through anyone that might serve as a potential risk to them. 

Now on the other end of the jock spectrum, there are the jocks that have absolutely no issue using their strength and dominating personality to assert themselves. They know they’re the big man on campus, and they’ll go through anyone that might oppose them. If there was any Star Wars character that fell into this role perfectly, it would be Mace Windu. As one of the most revered members of the Jedi High Council, Mace Windu is basically the quarterback of the football team when it comes to the Jedi. Known for his no-nonsense attitude, he doesn’t have time for any weak links on his team, and he’ll be the first to tell you if you’re dragging the team down. He’s the type to shove you into a locker just for looking at you wrong, and he’s definitely given a padawan a swirly or two. I’m sure he would love to shove Anakin Skywalker’s head into a toilet, and for all we know he probably has.

Nerds: Luke Skywalker and Rey


The nerd clique is one that can be incredibly varied, as there are a lot of different things that might qualify someone as “nerdy”. You’ve got your comic book nerds, video game nerds, math nerds, and dozens of other nerd flavors. In the Star Wars universe there is a different kind of nerd that I’m going to call a “Force nerd”. These Force nerds are obsessed with learning about and understanding the ways of the Force, and they’ll grow to great lengths to strengthen their Force abilities. Two characters come to mind when thinking of this archetype, and they both have very similar relationships with the Force. Luke Skywalker and Rey both went down nearly identical paths when they were becoming Jedi. In Luke’s story, he started out as a moisture farmer that just wanted to play with his model T-16 Skyhopper (super nerdy) and go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters. But then out of nowhere he got embroiled in this huge civil war and started getting trained by this space wizard in this long-forgotten form of science. Luke is literally the type of nerd to abandon his closest friends because he has to study, just as he did in the Empire Strikes Back when he went to find Yoda so he could learn more about the Force. It’s okay though, because if it wasn’t for Luke Skywalker being such a massive nerd, then the galaxy would probably still be under the tyrannical rule of the Empire.

Rey has a lot of the same experiences as Luke when it comes to being a Force nerd, but for Rey, the Force seems to come a bit easier. She’s one of those nerds who, no matter how long it seems you studied for an exam, she always seems to get the right answer with little to no studying done at all. At the end of class she’s handing her test in with a smile on her face and a spring in her step, meanwhile you’re on question two out of twenty wondering who you wronged in a past life. Rey is such a Force nerd that she knows stuff about the Force that you’ve never even heard of, *cough* Force healing *cough*, but it’s okay because without her the galaxy would be under the rule of a ~different~ tyrannical regime.

Goths: Anakin Skywalker and Kylo Ren


For the final high school clique, we have the goths. You know them, you’ve seen them, you might even be one, and that’s okay. Among many things, the goths are known for their dark sense of fashion and aggressive attitudes towards authority. Their eyeliner is as dark as they claim their souls are, and their music taste consists of guys in too tight jeans screaming about how they “hate this town”. If two characters from Star Wars were to fit into this clique, there would be no better choice than Anakin Skywalker and Kylo Ren. Starting with Anakin, the Chosen One is perhaps the most goth Jedi to ever exist. Everything about him runs counter to how the Jedi usually run things. Anakin purposefully dresses in all black robes while the other Jedi dress in browns and tans, he has an incredibly difficult time accepting orders from those with authority over him, and he doesn’t exactly follow the Jedi’s rules on celibacy. He is so riddled with emotion that he can whine about nearly anything, including but not limited to: how his master treats him unfairly, how the Jedi Council treats him unfairly, and the various characteristics of sand. In Anakin’s defense, I would whine too if I were a goth that got sand all up in my black skinny jeans. That doesn’t sound pleasant at all. 

In regards to Kylo Ren, he’s a goth that wants everyone to know that he’s a goth, and if for whatever reason he thinks that you haven’t noticed he’s a goth, he will make sure you know. Much like his grandfather, Kylo Ren dresses exclusively in black, he has long dark hair, and to tie everything together he wears an intimidating mask that serves no practical purpose other than to fit his aesthetic. He’s also got an attitude that would make an MCR album blush, as Ren throws a lightsaber-fuelled temper tantrum at every mild inconvenience. Underneath all of the shouting and angst however, Kylo Ren is just a guy with some daddy issues that wants to be understood, and at the end of the day, aren’t we all? Which Star Wars characters do you think you would hangout with in high school? Sound off in the comments below and for more news on pop culture and everything entertainment, check back here at


The Wait is Over: Prices and Release Dates for the PS5 and Xbox Series X Are Here

Let’s face it, this year hasn’t exactly been the best. 2020 has proved to be a serious contender for one of the worst years in recent memory, with a global pandemic and serious societal and cultural upheavals leading in the news for the past 6 months. This year hasn’t been easy for anyone, but there is one silver lining to get excited about. This year marks the beginning of a brand new video game console generation, as Sony prepares to release the Playstation 5, and Microsoft plans to release the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S this November. Gamers across the globe have been eagerly awaiting for these systems for what has seemed like forever, as both companies have been slow to announce any pricing or release details on the systems. This is uncharacteristic of Sony and Microsoft, especially compared to the launch of the current generation of consoles. But now, mere months away from the holiday season, the wait is finally over for the details on the new generation of consoles.

Starting with the new Xbox systems, Microsoft was the first to announce the finer details of their next-gen consoles. Just before this announcement, Microsoft had a surprise for gamers that few anticipated. They revealed (shortly after it was leaked online) that they would be providing a cheaper, digital-only alternative to the Xbox Series X called the Xbox Series S. This smaller, cheaper Xbox was a pleasant surprise for many people, as Microsoft had not explicitly stated that there would be a new digital-only system ready for this holiday. Less than a day after the Xbox Series S was announced, Microsoft finally gave everyone what they’ve been waiting for and simultaneously dreading: the prices for these new systems. The Xbox Series X will be launching with a price tag of $499, and the Xbox Series S will be the less pricey alternative at $299. The $499 price tag for the Series X was one that had a lot of rumors behind it, as the video game industry as a whole has been leaning towards an increase in hardware and software prices. What came as a pleasant surprise however was the price of the Series S. Now, $299 isn’t something to shake a controller at, but compared to the Series X it would appear that Microsoft intends on marketing the Series S as the much more economical version of the latest Xbox. With this stark price difference comes a couple of drawbacks, however. The Series S will not have nearly as enhanced internals as the Series X, thus making it less powerful, and the storage space is going to be half as much as the Series X, sitting at about 500GB as opposed to 1TB. Although these differences may turn off more dedicated gamers that are looking for the most premier disk-free console experience, there is something to be said about how the Xbox Series S will serve to draw in a more casual crowd. With its $299 price tag, the Xbox Series S is going to be comparable to the current generation of consoles in price, so for families looking to get their home the newest video game console, the Series S is going to a very enticing option for those not looking to break the bank. The option of being totally digital might also be an attractive choice for families with younger children that want to avoid expensive game disks being used as frisbees, or chocolate chip cookies being put into the disk drive. Overall, it would appear that Microsoft is looking to establish themselves as having more flexible console options this generation. For those looking for the most powerful Xbox on the market that’s sure to provide a truly next-gen experience, the Series X is sure to impress those looking to move on from the Xbox One. On the other hand, the Series S is shaping up to be the optimal choice for people that are perhaps trying to get into gaming for the first time, or simply want an upgrade without completely draining their bank account. Both systems will be released on November 10th, and they are available for pre-order right now.


Following the announcement of the new Xbox systems, all eyes were on Sony for their long-awaited announcement of the prices and release date for the Playstation 5. This announcement came a week after the announcement of the Xbox, which may have been an intentional move on the part of Sony. With the Xbox announcement out of the way, Sony could really do no wrong when it came to their announcement of the PS5. Microsoft set the standard, and all Sony had to do was either meet that standard or exceed it, and at this point it’s fair to say that Sony did a pretty stellar job. Following a showcase of some of the newest games coming to the PS5, including gameplay for Spider Man: Miles Morales and the remake of Demon Souls, Sony finally divulged the details on their newest consoles. The standard Playstation 5 is going to retail at $499 when it releases, the same price as the Xbox Series X, and the exciting digital-only version of the PS5 is going to have a $399 price tag. Much like the new Xbox systems, the prices for the PS5 were rumored to fall around these price points for a very long time. As far as technical internal components are concerned, the PS5 and the Xbox Series X are fairly similar, with each system having slight enhancements over the other. This makes the standard PS5’s price tag pretty logical; Sony wouldn’t want to make their new console too expensive or else people would be turned off by the astronomical price, and they wouldn’t want to make it too cheap or else consumers would think that it’s inferior when compared to the Series X. The digital-only version of the PS5 is where things get more interesting. This is Sony’s first venture into the digital-only console market, as Microsoft already dipped their toes into those metaphorical waters with the digital-only Xbox One S, so this version of the PS5 is a bit of a risk for them. Releasing at $399, some people might look at the price of the digital PS5 and think, “Well, if it’s a hundred dollars more than the Xbox Series S, why wouldn’t I just buy the Xbox and save myself some money?” And as good of a question as that may be, there is one simple answer that may sway some people to the PS5: performance. As it was stated earlier, the Xbox Series S is not simply going to be the Xbox Series X without a disk drive. The Series S is going to have a somewhat weaker processor, and the storage capacity of the system is going to be half of that of the Series X. The digital PS5 on the other hand is going to be practically identical to the standard PS5 as far as specs are concerned. You’re not going to get a slower processor, and the internal storage capacity is going to be exactly the same for both consoles, so for those looking for the premier disk-free console experience, the digital-only PS5 might prove to be the better option. Both versions of the Playstation 5, as well as the new Dualsense controllers and wireless headsets, are going to be available November 12th, and pre-orders (if you can still find them) are available now.


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Top 5 Spongebob Memes That Will Blow Your Squarepants Off

If a king had to be crowned in the world of meme culture, everyone’s favorite undersea cleaning utensil, Spongebob Squarepants, would definitely reign supreme. For the past few years, it seems like there’s been a new Spongebob meme every other day, each of them funnier than the last. The buck-tooth fry cook has become so ingratiated in meme culture, that it can be difficult to sift through all of the best Spongebob memes out there. Fortunately, this list is here to give those looking for the best Spongebob memes a good place to start. 

#5: Confused Mr. Krabs

Bikini Bottom’s most selfish shellfish is usually not one to get flustered. As far as underwater restaurant owners go, Mr. Krabs is usually on top of his game, but every crustacean cracks once in a while, and this meme is a prime example of one of those times. The confused Mr. Krabs meme is one of those classics that can be applied to almost every situation, from being left alone in the checkout line as a child, to hearing that you had a paper due last night when you stayed up until 3 AM watching reruns of Friends while eating a whole jar of peanut butter.

#4: Evil Patrick

Just about every person on Earth has a little bit of mischief in their heart. Whether it’s negligible or genuinely concerning, we all do things that make us feel like little tricksters. The evil Patrick meme encapsulates this feeling perfectly. If you’ve never made this exact face while kicking ice under the fridge or taking the last paper towel and leaving the empty roll for someone else to replace, then you’re lying to yourself.

#3: Sleeping Squidward

Spongebob’s most cynical companion, Squidward Tentacles, is the one character that people can most relate to as they grow older. He’s responsible for some of the show’s most memorable moments, and the sleeping Squidward meme is the perfect representation of suddenly remembering something very important when it’s already too late. We’ve all laid down at night thinking about the day we’ve had, just to realize, “Oh no, I never wished my mother a happy birthday.” It happens to the best of us, and this meme lets us all look back and laugh on the times we really wish we remembered something. 

#2: Hiding Squidward

Bikini Bottom’s best cephalopod is well-known for a lot of things, especially his distaste for his neighbors, but this meme has taken a bit of a different direction from the context of the show. As far as Spongebob memes go, this one is one of the more versatile memes to gain traction over the last few years. It’s most often used in a situation where someone is missing out on something fun that other people are doing. It can also be used to illustrate one group’s success, while a different group hides away due to their failure. This meme is rife with loneliness, but it’s the ability to find levity in that loneliness that makes it so entertaining.

#1: Mocking Spongebob

Here it is, the cream of the crop, the big cheese, the most recognizable Spongebob meme to grace the internet, mocking Spongebob. Mocking Spongebob is fantastic for one undeniable reason: it is absolutely savage. It may seem childish, repeating someone in a cartoonish voice as a form of rebuttal, but there’s also something so scathing about it that leaves most people speechless. This meme can be applied to practically any situation, making it simple to use and accessible to everyone. As far as all of the Spongebob memes through the years are concerned, this one is the most timeless.  And there you have it, the top 5 Spongebob memes that the internet has graced us with over the last few years.

For more news on pop culture and everything entertainment, check back here at its-bananas.


The Case for Robert Pattinson’s Batman

We’re nine months into a new decade, and there’s already another Batman movie reboot on the horizon. At this point it seems like a great American past-time, taking the Caped Crusader and throwing him into the arms of another ambitious director who is determined to show the world a side of Batman that has “never been seen before”. 

This time around, director Matt Reeves has been handed the proverbial torch of the Batman Cinematic Universe, the BCU if you will, and has enlisted the acting chops of Yahoo’s 2008 Top Movie Heartthrob, Robert Pattinson, to don the pointy-eared cowl. When Pattinson was first chosen for the role, many people were skeptical of the decision due to Pattinson’s unsavory connection to the Twilight movies, however his detractors are now being put in their place following the release of the first trailer for The Batman.


The DC Fandome online event that occurred in late August brought news on many of the projects that DC currently has in the works for the next couple of years, including trailers for multiple video games, TV series, and the long-awaited Snyder cut of the Justice League movie. But the one trailer that seems to have stuck in the minds of fans is the first teaser for The Batman, which is set to release in October of next year. We finally got to see Robert Pattinson act his little heart out as the World’s Greatest Detective, and we got a sense of the film’s overall tone. And to the surprise of no one, it seems it’s going to be even more gritty than past film iterations of the comic book character. 

The version of Batman seen in this trailer seems very different from others, as this Batman is portrayed to be much younger and rougher around the edges than Ben Affleck’s Batman, or even Michael Keaton’s original film portrayal of the character. It would appear that Pattinson is going to lean even further into the dark and brooding aspects of the character, as he’s often seen with a kind of thousand-yard stare when he’s not fracturing the cheekbones of street thugs. In the comics, Batman is often a character haunted by his actions, or lack thereof, in the face of injustice. He carries the heavy burden of wanting to help every person possible and doling out justice to those guilty of heinous crimes. Pattinson’s Batman can be seen carrying this burden in nearly every scene that he is shown in, whether he’s actually dressed as the crimefighter or not. It brings a layer of depth to the character that is rarely addressed in other adaptations, and even if it is addressed, then it’s in a one-off line that goes something along the lines of, “My parents are dead so I need to stop all of the crime.” Pattinson’s Batman is different in that he doesn’t need to tell us all about his brooding, we can already feel it in his performance.


After this trailer, it’s clear to die-hard fans and more casual viewers that Robert Pattinson is no longer the same bedazzled-abdominables-having, definitely-too-old-for-high-school vampire from twelve years ago. He’s been trying to distance himself from the Twilight brand ever since the last Breaking Dawn film premiered, and no matter how hard Stephanie Meyers tries to renew interest in Edward with her newly released Midnight Sun, Robert Pattinson has found a new home behind the mask of Batman. Fans will just have to wait until October of next year to see just how well Pattinson does as the Dark Knight.

You can watch The Batman trailer here.

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